Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Pre-School

We dropped Landon off yesterday morning for his first day of pre-school. Prior to going he kept asking if Mommy and Daddy were going to stay with him. He even started to tear up a few times at the house. He said he wanted to go later but not right now. I kept telling him Mommy and Daddy were going to take him and Mommy would pick him up later. I distracted him with fun things like cookies for breakfast. I thought for sure there would be LOTS of tears. But on the way there he finally said, "I'm ready to go now and mommy pick me up later and take me back to mine house!" He actually did really well. He whined a little bit and was definitely nervous. When we got there the teacher showed him some trucks and so he started playing with them and that's when Chad and I just snuck out of the room. I felt bad just leaving him but at least we left him happy and playing instead of screaming with tears.  I called later to check on him and the teacher said he got a little teary when he realized we were gone but she was able to distract him with some trucks and trains and he was fine :)  He took a nap, ate some lunch, played and did really well.  When I went to pick him up I got the BIGGEST hug and kiss ever!  He was definitely excited to see me :)  I asked him if he wanted to go back and he said yes so that's great!  I'm so proud!  

1 comment:

  1. Such a big boy!! Glad to see he did good.. How did "Mama" do?? LOL
