Well... I do think the saying is true...you show quicker with your second!
I even started off 5lbs lighter this time! Look at my
10 week post from Landon. I have gained 2lbs so far. I'm still feeling pretty good...had some waves of nauseousness a few times but nothing bad at all. If I had to guess, I'd say we are going to have another little boy just because most of my symptoms are the same as last time. Although I never felt sick even once last time...I would still say I have been lucky as far as the 'morning sickness' goes. I've been tired but there hasn't been any time to take naps.........unlike last time. But I'm fine with that...life goes on and there are things to be done!
We are making progress on our house and have picked out all the colors for everything. That was fun...and a little stressful. My goal is to break ground in February...but it may not be until March.
Chad was sick for a few days...he even missed work (RARE!). And now he has shared his sickness with Landon but I'm not willing to admit I'm getting sick yet (although I do feel like pooh). Chad stayed up all night last night with the little man...every time you laid him flat he would cry so he spent most of the night sleeping on daddy. I hope he starts to feel better soon!