He's still wearing mostly 12 month clothes. He ate good from about Thanksgiving day to a few weeks after that then started to not really eat good again. I think he just eats when he's hungry and when he's growing. I'm pretty sure I've said this before but he would much rather play than eat. It's still frustrating though - I want to make sure he gets enough nutrients! But I can say that he's getting much better at using the fork and spoon. He is actually able to get some food into his mouth using the fork and spoon all by himself now! A lot of times I'll give him a fork or spoon to hold and practice on while I feed him with a different one. It seems to work really well!
He will sometimes only take one long nap a day. I like this much better. Easier to plan things around his schedule and go shopping etc. He still sleeps great at night - sometimes he'll even let us sleep in to 8 and even once he slept until 9!!
He's still got about 8 teeth - I can't tell if his molars are coming in or not - It's hard to get a look back there! But nothing seems to be bothering him really. I think he's got a case of baby eczema that we've been trying to clear up. It seems to be getting better - if it doesn't though, I might take him to the doctor to make sure that's what it is. It doesn't seem to be bothering him though.
He is still talking up a storm! Oh my goodness! He has a great vocabulary. I'm not even going to attempt to list all the 'words' this time. We'll just say I am shocked to hear new 'words' come out of his mouth all the time. Now it might be a while before he repeats it again - but he knows what a lot of things are and has his own name for them. He's also found his screaming voice lately............whew.
The only picture I have of our 14 month old is one my mom sent me today of him playing at her house. He loves that toy!!
Landon is spending some time with my parents and his uncle Matt and I won't get to see him today to take any pictures. My daddy is going to have to work on Christmas so he's getting his Landon time now :)
1. It will amaze you how your heart will grow bigger to fill up for baby 2. It's actually crazy to think about how the moment I saw Benjamin, he totally stole my heart away in the same, yet completely different way from Zeke. As for the time thing, just know you won't have as much to spend. Poor Ben, we have decided Zeke will be our smart one because we were able to drill him with stuff and Ben, well he's gonna be the fun/cute one. HAHA Kidding, but in all seriousness, #2 will learn things from Landon and it may not be what you wanted to teach him, but it's still learning.
ReplyDelete2. As for the eczema, try Aquaphor lotion, it's like vaseline. Or I can order you some of the lotion we use for Zeke. It is through a mail order company called Melaluca (spelling not right). We also bathe him in a special soap that you can get at the pharmacy (it's not a prescription, but it is behind the counter). It's called Cerave. We still have to use steroids occasionally, but things have gotten better with our system. The doctor did say to not use any Johnson & Johnson products because they make it worse.
Hope all this helps, call if you wanna chat. Love you!