Friday, October 15, 2010


The other night we had spaghetti for dinner. Landon enjoyed eating it...and making a mess! haha

I got another video of him walking. He's really started to get more into it now. He's even ran a few times!

Daddy took Landon to see Poppy at the fire station today and check out the bed red firetuks! Daddy took a few pictures with his phone while they were there. Landon LOVES tuks right now. Right now everything with four wheels (or more) is a tuk! When you go outside he has to point out all the tuks for you, and when you're inside he has to go to the window and point outside at all the tuks.

Pointing at the tuks outside

Tonight after dinner we took him to a pumpkin patch. PUM! That's what Landon calls Pumpkins. He got to point at all the pums over and over again and had a lot of fun.

handsome :)

Pointing at the PUMS!

love my mummy

Landon got his own pum and all he wanted to do was throw it.

Check out the rest of the pictures here.

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